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Agnes Martin said that all art is about beauty. If art had to be summed up in one sentence, this would be a strong candidate. Perhaps another would be, all art aims to reveal something. And revelation is a good fit with the material we've collected for issue #26. Much is revealed, and beautifully so. And, as I said to one subscriber, this issue is also water-centric. How much we take this ordinary substance for granted, and how far it is from being ordinary. David Molesky considers water in its infinite changeability; Radek Skrivanek shows us the evaporation of the Aral Sea, water in its absence; Camille Seaman brings us water as Arctic and Antarctic ice in her exquisite photographs and, by implication, what its increasing loss means. And there's more.


Issue# 26               May 2013


Table of Contents

Conversation: David Molesky
Infinite Water

Conversation: Radek Skrivanek
The Dying Sea

Conversation: Takayuki Zoshi
Spirit Woodcarver

Art of Living
Conversation: Americ Azevedo
The Truth Demands to Be Lived

Portfolio: Camille Seaman

Doris Mitsch
Poetry Found in the Cloud

Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors

In Memory of An Art Warrior

Ladislav Hanka
What We Actually Love

Indigo Animal
Rue Harrison

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"To be an artist is not a matter of making paintings or objects at all. What we are really dealing with is our state of consciousness and the shape of our perception... The act of art is a tool for extended consciousness." --Robert Irwin



Art of Engagement

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